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Iron Oxide Green

Iron Oxide Green, also known as Ferric Green or Green Iron Oxide, is a synthetic inorganic pigment that is commonly used in various applications. It is a greenish shade of iron oxide, which is a family of chemical compounds made up of iron and oxygen. Iron Oxide Green is primarily composed of iron(III) oxide and has a green color due to its unique chemical structure.

CHENGYU PIGMENT offers high quality Composite Iron Green. Synthetic iron oxide yellow and phthalocyanine blue coupled quality dyes with bright colors and high pigment fastness.

This pigment is often used in:

Paints and coatings: Iron Oxide Green is added to paint formulations to provide a green color. It is used in a variety of applications, including architectural paints, automotive coatings, and industrial paints.

Construction materials: It is used in the coloring of concrete, plaster, and various construction materials to add a green hue to them.

Plastics: Iron Oxide Green can be used in the production of plastic products, such as PVC, to impart a green color.

Pigment and ink production: It is used as a coloring agent in the production of pigments and inks, including artists' paints and printing inks.

Ceramics: Iron Oxide Green is used in ceramics and pottery for glaze and body coloring.

Art and crafts: Artists and craft enthusiasts often use Iron Oxide Green as a pigment in their artwork and crafts.


Plastic bag, net weight 25kg per bag, outer layer is polypropylene woven bag.

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